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Gym Closure - Private Event

(2-9-25) Oak Street Gym closed from 9:00-11:00 am for Special Programming.


2024 Outdoor Soccer

Youth Development

In a Team Environment

Everyone plays in Outdoor Fall Soccer. This program emphasizes fair play, cooperation, sportsmanship, honesty, respect and fundamental skill development. Every practice and game is a positive development experience for each child. This program is for boys and girls, 3 to 12 years old, and held at the Oval fields where families can cheer them on as they learn to play soccer.

Games and Practice

Kickers League: 3-4 Year Olds

Saturdays 10:00-11:00 am

Shooters League: 5-6 Year Olds

Saturdays 8:30-9:45 am

Dribblers League: 7-9 Year Olds

Saturdays 11:30-12:45 

Passers League : 10-12 Year Olds

Saturdays 11:30-1:00 

*Times and location are subject to change, if needed

Session Information

The Plattsburgh YMCA Youth Soccer League begins September 21st and runs through November 9th, depending on the weather.

Each player receives:

YMCA Soccer T-shirt

YMCA Soccer Ball

Required Equipment:


Cleats (are recommended)

Fees & Registration

Fees are $60 for Members and $115 for Community Members.

Registration Information

Registration will open on July 19th and remain open until September 8th (or when the program is full).

3 year olds must turn 3 by September 14, 2024.

Please note:  We have a new process for registration this season.  At the link below you will log in to your membership account to register.  If you are not a Y member, you will be prompted to first create an account before registering.  You will select "Non Member" for the account type.

After your registration is received, our staff will review your registration and confirm whether you are a City resident or not for billing.  If you are not a City resident and have not yet paid for your registration, you will be contacted for payment.

Please note:  If you have a Y Scholarship or your program fees are paid by another provider, you will need to call or come to the Y Front Desk to register.


*There are no refunds after registration